Field Type


The TEXT field type stores any kind of text data. The length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters).

Settings you can set on Text field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Unique setting

  4. Value for new rows


The INTEGER field type store a whole number, positive or negative.

Settings you can set on Integer field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Value for new rows


The FLOAT field type store floating point number, is a positive or negative whole number with a decimal point.

Settings you can set on Float field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Precision (mandatory must be between 1 and 1000)

  4. Scale

  5. Value for new rows


The DATE field type store date and time combination data. A point in time that consist of a date and a time component.

Settings you can set on Date field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Date format


True or False

Settings you can set on Boolean field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Value for new rows


The SELECT field type allows you to create a list of selectable text values. Select lists allow you and your collaborators to adhere to specific naming or labeling so everything stays organized in your tables. You can add as many options as you want and see them clearly in a dropdown list.

Settings you can set on Select field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Select settings (mandatory)

  4. Value for new rows


The RELATION field type allows you to set a relationship from table A to table B. However, a proper relationship column would be one that automatically creates a column in the referenced table that holds all references to a row in that table. Relation field allows you to create fields where you select relation to an item in other table

A relationship field is a custom field on an object record that contains a link to another record. When we place a relationship custom field on an object, we are effectively creating a many-to-one relationship between the object on which the relationship field is placed.

Settings you can set on Relation field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Relations (mandatory)


A LOOKUP field is a field in a table whose value is retrieved from another table. You must add a relation column first to be able to retrieve data from the destination table according to the settings in the relation column.

Settings you can set on Lookup field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Lookup settings


A ROLLUP field contains an aggregate value computed over the records related to a specified record. Aggregate operations that we provide in this field type are:

  1. SUM

  2. MIN

  3. MAX


  5. COUNT

Settings you can set on Rollup field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. Rollup settings

  4. Condition


FILE fields utilize the built-in file browser to store uploaded files and images. The file’s extensions that we provide for this field are:

  1. JPG

  2. PNG

  3. SVG

Settings you can set on File field:

  1. Field name (mandatory)

  2. Description

  3. File extensions



PASSWORD field type only available in users table by default right after you create a project. This field is a default field so you can't update or delete this field.

Last updated